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  • 体育知识
  • 2022-12-08
  • 78
  • 更新时间:2024-05-16 12:14:42


Let‘s play sports!It is the time to walk out of classroom and do some sport! for your health, fun, and great time together。The Sports Club has arranged the some games for you, please come and join u。

1、关于我能在体育俱乐部做什么的英语作文 5个句子即可,请各位给的答案务必

网友分享:I was a member of the sports club, we have five basketball here, seven tennis, volleyball, three three football, eight ping-pong, nine table tennis racquet, but there were no tennis racket, but this does。


The main goal of English Club is to raise students’ interest in learning English and help them to improve。 Welcome to join us!翻译 大家好。我很高兴作为英语俱乐部的代表来到这里,就我们的组织做一个简短的介绍。


网友分享:you can make more friends in the club, they may help you with your study and you can help each other, too。 Besides, doing more sports can make you active, it can make your study more efficient。In sho。


写作思路:先介绍一下自己对于体育的爱好,接着说一下体育带给人们的好处,最后阐述自己想要加入加入体育俱乐部的想法。正文:We are certainly not unfamiliar with the word “Sports”。 There are many kinds of sports, 。

5、50字左右 内容:你们学校新成立了一个“体育俱乐部”,招聘一名体育教

We are hiring a coach for the new sports club in our school。 We expect the candidate to like and play sports himself。 He can teach a variety of sports including basketball, volleyball, soccer, swimming 。


网友分享:【摘要】英语作文:假如你们学校的体育倶乐部需要体育和音乐方面的人才,请你刊登一则广题目 XI 。书面表达。(15分)假如你们学校的体育俱乐部和音乐俱乐部需要体育和音乐方面的人才,请你刊登一则广告,为这两个俱乐部招募一些会员。

7、60字左右 内容:你们学校新成立了一个“体育俱乐部”,招聘一名体育教

网友分享:related to these items is preferred。 Also, as a PE teacher for junior high students, you must be good with taking care of kids。 Last but not the least, passion in teaching will help with your work。


网友分享:but this does not affect our movement。 Can also take a shower after motion is over, you want to join our sports club?我是体育俱乐部的成员,我们这里有5个篮球,7个网球,3个排球,3个足球,8个乒乓球,9个乒乓。


正文:We are looking for a PE teacher to work in our new sports club,which is just founded lately in our school。我们正在寻找一位体育老师到我们学校新成立的体育俱乐部工作。As we have playground for and 。