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  • 体育知识
  • 2022-12-13
  • 110
  • 更新时间:2024-05-17 03:26:19



英语作文 世界杯足球赛的一场比赛及观后感

It's a fine day.DongFang Primary School is having a sports meeting.Many students are watching,they're excited.

Hooray!The students in Glass2,Grade6 are very happy.They win the football match . But Class7 are unhappy.They fail.Zhang Peng is a little sad.He has a cold and feels tired. He can't take part in the meeting.

足球的赛后总结怎么写剧本英语「足球赛记叙文」  第1张


Football is a sport in the world, on the origin of football is different. FIFA believes that the sport originated in China. "The Water Margin" high ornamental cap, not to mention natural, ancient history in China, there have been Materials "Cuju," the movement records. "Cuju" campaign similar to the current Dianqiu, it is not real football, not with football shape. So in the international community agree that "the origin of football in China," said a few persons

The 2010 World Cup will be hold in South Africa.It is a grand occasion for all the football fans all over the world.My favorite team is the Spainish Team.And my favorite football star is Didier Yves Drogba Tébily.I hope the Chinese Team can do well in the World Cup.Because China has never won a World Cup before.This year I hope the situation will change.

When the match begins,I hope I can watch it.But if I am busy studying then I will not watch it.Because study is always the first priority.I wish one day China can hold a World Cup,then our Chinese can watch the matches without going abroad.

Maybe one day my dream can come true.








足球运动员自我鉴定,世界杯已经进行三天了,也有好多人熬了三个通宵吧,小编劝下大家一切还是以身体为重。以下这篇是关于足球运动员的自我鉴定范本。感兴趣的朋友一起来看看这篇由资料站为您提供的文章。 足球运动员自我鉴定:

在足球比赛的实践中,运动员或教练员所获得的成功经验、失败教训都是极其宝贵的,它给人以深刻的印象。比赛后进行认真总结是为了更好地强化和发扬本队的优势,找出不足,为本队下场比赛方案的制定提供科学依据,还能将认识从感性提高到理性,提高分析和解决问题的能力,从而促进队员的全面成长,不断提高球队的比赛能力。 1. 参加足球比赛后的个人总结与反省 赛后个人的总结要做到实事求是,不能太计较胜负与得失,要敢于面对自己的缺点与不足。个人总结的内容一般有以下几个方面: ①自己是否能够贯彻教练员的意图,是否完成自己的任务。这主要体现在执行作战方案的坚决性和灵活性以及完成位置职责的效果等方面。

②在涉及到直接得失分、险球、关键球和机会把握的能力与处理情况。 ③自己运用技、战术的合理性和准确性如何,创造性和应变能力表现如何。 ④自己的体能状况,以及身体素质其他方面的表现情况如何。

⑤自己在比赛中的心理稳定性、思维的清晰程度、意志品质等方面的表现。 ⑥自己的比赛作风怎样。如对待观众、对手以及裁判员的判罚等表现情况。 ⑦自己应该学习对手的长处和吸取的教训是什么,今后应该怎样改善和努力。

2. 赛后知不足而进取 俗话说:知耻而后勇。我们进行总结并不是在讨论是非对错,而是要找出自己的不足,通过解决这些问题而使我们水平更上一个层次,这才是总结的真正目的所在。因此在总结时我们的态度应该是积极的,要学会用一分为二的观点来进行,即在胜利中要看到不足,从积极因素中找出不利因素。经过总结之后,我们就要根据总结得出的经验和教训来改善自己的训练。训练时要有针对性,针对自己暴露出来的缺点与不足,设计训练方法,让队员反复加以练习直到较好的解决这方面的不足。




Last week, my father took me to the park with his friends, they planed to play the football game, so I could have the chance to see the game. It was the first time for me to watch the football game. It was so good to watch it, I was full of passion. Since that time, I fall in love with football, I spend more time with my father.



Yesterday my companions and I held a football game in the playground. We were divided into two groups, with eleven players on each side. When the game started, both of us played actively. I could only see the ball passed quickly from one to another. It was really a wonderful game. At last, the game ended in a draw. We congratulated each other. The game really embodied the sports slogan of "friendship first, competition second".



Football is the most popular ball in the world. More and more people like watching football matches. They can't sleep or eat when their teams are playing.They shout for their players. I think many Chinese football player have done better match after match since the Professional Football league of China was set up. But we still have a long way to go to Asia and to the world. We should learn from foreign teams. Foreign players and coaches must be invited. Dalian Wanda, Shanghai Shenhua and Guangd0ng Apollo are among the best.
