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  • 体育知识
  • 2022-12-11
  • 125
  • 更新时间:2024-05-17 06:10:11




My Favourite team

I am not a football player. In fact, my football skill is very bad. But this does not stop me to become a football fans. Speaking about the club, Inter Milan is my favorite since early 1990s. Inter is one of the best clubs in the world, winning 16 Italian Serie A, 2 Champions League, 2 Intercontinental Cup, 3 UEFA Cup, 5 Coppa Italia, and 4 Italian Super Cup titles.

Inter captain Javier Zanetti lifting the Italian Super Cup

This year, with a special one Jose Mourinho as a manager, Inter is trying to win the third Champions League title after the last one in 1965. He has given a good start by giving the Italian Super Cup 2008 title last month. Also, Inter is defending the Serie A title that has been won for the last three consecutive years. With a formidable squad consists of great players such as Javier Zanetti, Zlatan Ibrahimovich, Adriano, Ricardo Quaresma, Esteban Cambiasso, Julio Cesar, Marco Materazzi, and many others, the chance is great.

翻译:我最喜欢的球队 我不是一名足球运动员。事实上,我的足球技巧是很糟糕的。但这并不阻止我成为一名球迷。谈到俱乐部,国际米兰是我最喜欢的上世纪90年代初。国际米兰是世界上最棒的俱乐部,赢得了16个意大利甲级联赛,2个欧洲冠军联赛,2洲际杯,3个欧洲联盟杯,5个意大利杯,和4个意大利超级杯冠军。 队长萨内蒂解除了意大利超级杯冠军 这年头,不跟一个特别的人何塞·穆里尼奥作为一个经理,国米是试图赢得第三个欧冠冠军在最后于1965年。他给了一个良好的开始为2008年的意大利超级杯冠军上个月。同时,国际米兰是卫冕联赛冠军,也曾在过去三年连续。一个强大的阵容包括与伟大的球员,如莫Ibrahimovich哈维尔-萨内蒂、阿德里亚诺、夸雷斯马,埃斯特班·坎比亚索、胡里奥塞萨尔、马特拉奇,以及许多其他国家,机会是伟大的。

哪位球员爱上足球俱乐部的英文「在足球俱乐部里英文」  第1张



His first footballing steps were in 1990 in Araras, an area of Sao Paulo. He team was called the Unión San Juan. At 14 years old he was already on the first team, at 16 he made his debut in the Brazilian Under 20s and at 18 he was already an idol at Palmeiras and on the first eleven of the Brazilian First Team. In 1996 he made the jump to European football, starting off at Inter, and a year later joining the team of Real Madrid. His career at our team is impressive. From the first day he won the hearts of the fans with his spectacular offensive play, as well as his many personal values: he has an open carácter, jovial and always close to the fans. At Real Madrid as in the national team of Brazil he has affirmed his position as the best left winger in the world.







梅西梅西得到过六次世 界足球先生还有金球 奖,如今虽然30多岁,但是梅西的状态依旧高 昂。及时很多人说他不如历史上的各位 巨 星,但他所取得的成就是无人能及的,可惜的是仍旧差一个世 界 杯 冠 军。巴蒂斯图塔从冠 军的数量来看,巴蒂斯图塔并不多,但没有人会忘记他的大力轰 门。他最大的特点就是射 术 精 湛、身体强 壮、爆 发力 强。并且是世 界足坛唯一一位连续在两届世 界 杯中上演过帽 子戏 法的球员。巴蒂在78场国 家队比赛就完成了56球!包括世 界 杯的12场10球和美 洲 杯的13场13球!里克尔梅他一开始并不被认为是一个好的球员,当他第一次进入巴萨罗时,无法发挥自己的水平。但离开巴萨罗前往比利亚雷亚尔后,他的实力逐渐显 露出来,他参加了阿根 廷06年世 界 杯阶段的所有比赛并且表现出 色,在3比1大 胜巴西的比赛中,里克尔梅奉献两次助攻和一个进球,阿根 廷最终抢得小组头名提前3轮出 线!阿根 廷最终获得亚 军,里克尔梅也最终获得了联合会杯的铜 球 奖!里克尔梅的职业生涯在 博 卡 青年共夺得过3次南 美 解 放 者 杯 冠 军、1次丰田杯冠 军、4次阿根 廷足球春季联赛冠 军、1次阿根 廷足球秋季联赛冠 军等多项荣誉,个人4次当选阿根 廷足球先生,并在2001年荣膺 南 美足球先生。