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  • 体育知识
  • 2022-12-06
  • 113
  • 更新时间:2024-07-27 17:06:41





A: Right, that ends the third and final part of our presentation.

I'd like to end by emphasizing the main points.

I'll give you a brief summary.

There are three potential areas for development in the future: domestic, overseas market, and the internet.

Each of these markets have their own particular need for marketing strategy.

for domestic, we can rely on past research, for overseas markets we depend heavily on our cultural consultants, and for the internet, we need to redo our image to appeal to a young set of consumers.

Our main issue here is that we need to be sensitive to the needs of different markets in order to continue to see success.

Mark, did you have anything to add?

B: Yes, I want to restate one more time the importance of reinventing our company's image to appeal to different customer bases.

I want to end with a true story that has to do exactly with what we've been talking about today.


That wraps up the last item on the agenda.

Before we close, are there any questions? Fine.

In summary, I think we agree that this quarter's domestic sales figures show a marked trend in microwave sales.

Sam, I'd like you to follow up on that, please.

Let's see where this is heading.

Jane, thank you for the comprehensive PR status report.

I understand there are still a few problems to be worked out, but we all trust in your ability.

Ladies and gentlemen, the new design is satisfactory.

Let's keep Action ahead of the game.

Finally, I appreciate your comments and suggestions about the Canadian sales outlook.

This is our first opportunity to promote our products in North America, so we certainly want to cover every detail.

Well, then, that covers everything.

I make a motion to close the third quarterly meeting of Action Appliances.

Is there a second?


That wraps up the last item on the agenda.

Before we close, are there any questions?

Fine.In summary, I think we agree that this quarter's domestic sales figures show a marked trend in microwave sales.

Sam, I'd like you to follow up on that, please.

Let's see where this is heading.

Jane, thank you for the comprehensive PR status report.

I understand there are still a few problems to be worked out, but we all trust in your ability.

Ladies and gentlemen, the new design is satisfactory.

Let's keep Action ahead of the game.

Finally, I appreciate your comments and suggestions about the Canadian sales outlook.

This is our first opportunity to promote our products in North America, so we certainly want to cover every detail.

Well, then, that covers everything.

I make a motion to close the third quarterly meeting of Action Appliances.

Is there a second?

足球俱乐部开会总结英语怎么说「足球俱乐部开会总结英语怎么说呢」  第1张


足球俱乐部football club

进球荒goal drought




field / pitch 足球场

midfield 中场

backfield 后场

kickoff circle / center circle 中圈

halfway line 中线

touchline / sideline 边线

goal line 球门线

end line 底线

penalty mark (点球)罚球点

penalty area 禁区(罚球区)

goal area 小禁区(球门区)


coach 教练

head coach 主教练

football player 足球运动员

referee 裁判

lineman 巡边员

captain / leader 队长

forward / striker 前锋

midfielder 前卫

left midfielder 左前卫

right midfielder 右前卫

attacking midfielder 攻击型前卫(前腰)

defending midfielder 防守型前卫(后腰)

center forward 中锋

full back 后卫

center back 中后卫

left back 左后卫

right back 右后卫

sweeper 清道夫,拖后中卫

goalkeeper / goalie 守门员

cheer team 拉拉队


kick-off 开球

bicycle kick / overhead kick 倒钩球

chest-high ball 半高球

corner ball / corner 角球

goal kick 球门球

handball 手球

header 头球

penalty kick 点球

place kick 定位球

own goal 乌龙球

hat-trick 帽子戏法

free kick 任意球

direct free kick 直接任意球

indirect free kick 间接任意球

stopping 停球

chesting 胸部停球

pass 传球

short pass 短传

long pass 长传

cross pass 横传

spot pass 球传到位

consecutive passes 连续传球

take a pass 接球

triangular pass 三角传球

flank pass 边线传球

lobbing pass 高吊传球

volley pass 凌空传球

slide tackle 铲球

rolling pass / ground pass 地滚球

flying header 跳起顶球

clearance kick 解围

shoot 射门

close-range shot 近射

long shot 远射

offside 越位

throw-in 掷界外球

block tackle 正面抢截

body check 阻挡

fair charge 合理冲撞

diving header 鱼跃顶球

dribbling 盘球,带球

clean catching (守门员)接高球

finger-tip save (守门员)托救球

offside 越位

deceptive movement 假动作

break through 突破

kick-out 踢出界


set the pace 掌握进攻节奏

ward off an assault 击退一次攻势

break up an attack 破坏一次攻势

disorganize the defence 搅乱防守

total football 全攻全守足球战术

open football 拉开的足球战术

off-side trap 越位战术

wing play 边锋战术

time wasting tactics 拖延战术

4-3-3 formation 433阵型

4-4-2 formation 442阵型

beat the offside trap 反越位成功

foul 犯规

technical foul 技术犯规

break loose 摆脱

control the midfield 控制中场

set a wall 筑人墙

close-marking defence 盯人防守


half-time interval 中场休息

round robin 循环赛

group round robin 小组循环赛

extra time 加时赛

elimination match 淘汰赛

injury time 伤停补时

golden goal / sudden death 金球制,突然死亡法

eighth-final 八分之一决赛

quarterfinal 四分之一决赛

semi-final 半决赛

final match 决赛

preliminary match 预赛

one-sided game 一边倒的比赛

competition regulations 比赛条例

disqualification 取消比赛资格

match ban 禁赛命令

doping test 药检

draw / sortition 抽签

send a player off 判罚出场

red card 红牌

yellow card 黄牌

goal 球门,进球数

draw 平局

goal drought 进球荒

ranking 排名(名次)







in summary 总之;概括起来

summary procedure 简易程序;即决裁判程序


The following is a summary of events.



abstract, summary, resume, digest, outline这组词都有“摘要、概要、概括”的意思,其区别是:

abstract 指论文、书籍等正文前的内容摘要,尤指学术论文或法律文件的研究提要。

summary 普通用词,指将书籍或文章等的内容,用寥寥数语作简明扼要的说明。

resume 源于洁语,与summary极相近,通常可互换使用。

digest 侧重对原文融汇贯通,重新谋篇布局,以简明扼要的语言,简短篇幅成文,展现原作精华。




一、读音:英 ['sʌməri]     美 ['sʌməri]    

二、意思是:n. 摘要;总结;adj. 简略的;概要的;即决的


1、Please write me a summary of this report.


2、Your summary will need fleshing out before you present it.



summary, abstract, digest, outline


1、从原始材料上说:summary和outline用于任何一篇文章; abstract用于一篇学术或法律方面比较艰深或复杂的文章; 而digest则用于来源不同的若干篇文章。

2、从含义上说:abstract强调简洁和实质性内容的集中; summary注重简练,而不刻意追求风格或事实、细节; outline侧重“要点”; 而digest则通常不仅要展示原作的精髓,也常常保留原作的语言和风格。

3、从形式上说:abstract, summary和digest都是一篇短文; 而outline则可以是一篇短文,也可以是一些编号或关键性词语。

4、从位置上说:abstract一般位于正文之前; summary和outline既可位于正文之前,也可独立成篇; digest则完全是另一篇文章。



一、读音:英 ['dɑɪdʒɛst]     美 ['dɑɪdʒɛst]    

二、意思是:n. 摘要;vt. 消化;理解;vi. 消化


1、The baby is too small to digest meat.


2、Saliva helps one chew and digest food.




2、digest可用作不及物动词,也可以用作及物动词。用作及物动词时,可接名词或代词作宾语,也可接疑问词引导的名词从句; 用作不及物动词时,其主动形式带有被动含义。